About the department

Archaeological monuments are a unique, irreplaceable and definitive source of information for the knowledge of the cultural past of the Czech Republic. As such, they are part of the national and world cultural heritage and maximum attention should be paid to their protection. Regrettably, they are also among the most endangered monuments due to building activities, unauthorised excavations or prospecting and insufficient public awareness.

The Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Brno operates in the sphere of historic preservation of archaeological sites and finds within its capacity as a legally authorised expert professional organisation participating in state administration and guaranteeing the care for archaeological cultural heritage in Moravia and Silesia. The aim of its activity is to prevent unnecessary damage to archaeological heritage and, in the case of unavoidable interventions into the archaeological landscape, ensure the professional documentation and excavation of archaeological finds.


Act 20/1987 Sb., on State Monument Care