1. Human resources policies
The principle of equal opportunities is applied both in the vacancy announcements and during recruitment processes. Due to the frequent shortage of qualified candidates, the quality of the applicant is preferred, regardless of gender, social status, religion, sexual orientation, nationality or health condition. The ratio of men and women in academic positions reflects the general situation in the field of archaeology. The ratio in other positions has been improving since 2020.
Since 2022, ARÚB has been actively involved in the Czech Academy of Sciences’ programme Researchers at Risk Fellowship aimed at researchers who face persecution or are threatened by war.
2. Gender equality plan
Researchers at ARÚB follow the Code of Ethics for Researchers of the Czech Academy of Sciences and take into account gender issues to reduce gender imbalances and inequalities – in their grant projects, and the interpretation and presentation of research results.
In October 2020, ARÚB obtained the LOGIB Certificate within the framework of the “22% for Equality” project implemented by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic (the certificate is transparently published on the ARÚB website). The analysis showed that ARÚB does not create a pay gap between male and female employees based on gender.
Cooperating with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic we updated the LOGIB Certificate to review the latest development regarding the pay gap at ARÚB.

The Gender Equality Plan of the Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno (also referred to as ‘ARÚB’ or ‘Institute of Archaeology’), is a practical tool for promoting and sup-porting goals, mechanisms and measures aimed at improving equal opportunities for men and women in research and human resource management. It reflects the priorities of the European strategy in this area and the requirements of national and international grant funding programmes. Equal opportunities in working conditions, career growth, evaluation and remuneration are funda-mental priorities for a modern scientific institution. By adopting the Gender Equality Plan (GEP), the Institute of Archaeology declares its interest in development and strives to be a modern scientific institution supporting and acknowledging diversity at all levels. The plan aims to improve working conditions, organisational culture and work environment to achieve the highest standards possible.