Visitors Centre Mušov – Gateway to the Roman Empire
Visitors Centre Mušov – Gateway to the Roman Empire, situated in the municipality of Pasohlávky at one of the most famous archaeological sites in the South Moravia Region, has been welcoming visitors since the summer of 2020.
The Visitors Centre is operated by the Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno, which for over four decades has been devoted to researching the traces left on our territory by the Roman Empire’s famous legions in the first and second centuries AD.
The contemporary Visitors Centre building presents the historical context of the construction of the Roman fortress at Hradisko near Mušov and the archaeological traces of Roman activities in this country’s territory. This is in the form of multimedia presentations and traditional showcases featuring archaeological finds. A tour of the Visitors Centre gives visitors a better understanding of the time when the Roman legions invaded southern Moravia and the territory of local Germanic tribes was on the verge of inclusion in the Roman Empire.
Visitors can view presentations in the form of attractive films, a hologram, the reconstruction of a legionary and themed games.
Guided group tours and educational programmes for different age groups of kindergarten, primary and secondary school pupils are also included in the programme.

Public events
We organise numerous themed events throughout the year such as the Roman-Barbarian Germania Subacta festival, which is held on the first weekend in September each year.
Visitors Centre page
Why is it called the Gateway to the Roman Empire?
Extensive archaeological research has shown that Roman military installations in southern Moravia, and particularly at Hradisko near Mušov, may have been a gateway to transforming the southern part of the present-day territory of the Czech Republic into a province of the Roman Empire.
The site is also a symbolic gateway through which the present-day Czech Republic can feel interconnected with this ancient state and its heritage. Hradisko near Mušov is the most authentic Roman site in the country.
A further explanation is the position of the Visitors’ Centre, through which visitors can enter the whole area of the site, stroll along the local educational trails, admire the broad perspectives of the landscape below Pálava and capture the genius loci of the place where the famous legions of the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius once stood.

The theme and the layout were designed by Balázs Komoróczy, the head of the Research Centre for the Roman Period and the Migration Period of ARÚB.
The architect of the design and the general designer of the building was Jan Snášel of the architectural atelier Livingstav s. r. o.; the general contractor was Moravská stavební unie – MSU s. r. o.
After entering the Visitors Centre, you can head off along the educational trail “Mušov – Gateway to the Roman Empire”, which leads to the venues containing the key archaeological discoveries at Hradisko.
This is followed by the “Germans at the Gates of the Roman Empire” educational trail, from which you can reach the place where the famous royal grave near Mušov was discovered and an extensive Roman Period Germanic settlement on the outskirts of present-day Pasohlávky.

Current information regarding the opening hours, admission fees and programme details can be found at the Visitors Centre website.
Contact information
Visitors Centre Mušov – Gateway to the Roman Empire
Pasohlávky 244
691 22 Pasohlávky
Tel.: +420 736 184 833