E. Droberjar, K. Motyková: Třebusice. Žárové pohřebiště z doby římské ve středních Čechách

Třebusice. Žárové pohřebiště z doby římské ve středních Čechách. Díl I. Archeologické prameny

Authors: Eduard Droberjar, Karla Motyková
Edition: Spisy Archeologického ústavu AV ČR Brno
Volume 76
Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Brno, v. v. i.; Archeologický ústav SAV, v. v. i.
Brno–Nitra 2023, 639 p.
ISBN 978-80-7524-074-3  Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Brno
ISBN 978-808196-068-0  Archeologický ústav SAV
DOI: 10.47382/arub2023-06
ISSN 1804-1345

Price: 990,- Kč

The cremation burial ground of the Roman Period in Třebusice (Kladno District, Central Bohemian Region) is the largest necropolis of Polabian Germans (the Suevi) discovered on our territory. Research was carried out here by the State Institute of Archaeology and, later, its successor, the Institute of Archaeology of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences between 1921 and 1963. They brought to light 960 graves, often with exceptionally impressive grave goods, representing a unique, chronologically structured cross-section of the material culture of the Germanic population of Bohemia from the initial phase of settlement in the second half of the 1st century BC until the first half of the 3rd century AD. This extremely desirable set of data remained unpublished for a long time, but the present monograph dedicated to the comprehensive publication of all graves, including a detailed catalogue of their grave goods, repays this debt to archaeological science and provides the research community throughout Europe with indispensable information about social differentiation, its transformations, and the development of material culture of the Roman Period. While the first volume of the upcoming edition mainly presents the catalogue part, the second volume will focus on the analytical treatment of the grave wholes.